Variance Function Program v19.0

A Win32 computer program which estimates and plots the relationship between uncertainty and concentration (imprecision profiles). It is aimed particularly at medical laboratory data and includes many options for fine-tuning graphical output. It also incorporates other applications of the variance function in statistical analysis of medical laboratory data.

Click here to download a program description (1300Kb; please save the download file as VFP190.pdf)

Click here to download the program installation file (; 10897 Kb). See Appendices A and B in VFP190.pdf (p 16) for program installation information.

Bill Sadler

Disclaimer: In supplying this executable program the only stipulation is that it should remain freely available under all circumstances. Program versions 1.0 (Ms-Dos) and 3.0 (Windows) were published in peer reviewed journals but although all care has been taken in development, the author Bill Sadler & the AACB can take no responsibility whatsoever for its use.